2020年3月24日 星期二


嘉義長庚醫院中醫科主任吳清源(右三)、藥劑部主任林育昰(右二)、醫研部龍志浩博士(右一)等研究成果登上國際期刊。 (記者林宜樟翻攝)
2020-03-25 05:30:00
〔記者林宜樟、吳亮儀/綜合報導〕武漢肺炎疫情在世界各地爆發,嘉義長庚醫院研究,從台灣本土茶葉萃取的「多酚羥基茶駢酚酮」結構的物質(Theaflavin),可能抑制新冠病毒增生,研究結果登上《醫學病毒雜誌》(Journal of Medical Virology)。



2020年2月24日 星期一

Today’s CoolApps selection

Today’s CoolApps selection is TreeSize, from JAM Software. It is a powerful and flexible hard disk space manager. TreeSize has been around for a while and can trace its history with Delphi all the way back to Delphi 1. This history allows TreeSize to leverage Delphi’s functionality to make a powerful and user-friendly utility that is well worth your time to check out.
TreeSize does more than just scan and optimize hard drives. It also incorporates powerful file search and reporting features in multiple formats. It is designed for use on single computers or to be used on networks both small and large. This versatility is a fantastic asset for utilities like TreeSize, and it boasts a wide customer base as a result.

2020年2月20日 星期四


神農氏,又稱烈山氏,或稱連山氏,相傳生存年代在夏朝以前,現存文字記載多出現在戰國以後。相傳「神農嘗百草」、教人醫療與農耕,中國人視之為傳說中的農業和醫藥的發明者、守護神,尊稱為「藥王」、「五穀王」、「五穀先帝」、「神農大帝」等。地皇。 維基百科

// versionCode scheme is T M NN RR AA // T: Target/Flavour (1 for Android, 2 for Chrome?) // M: Major version from 0 to 9 // NN: Minor version from 00 to 99 // RR: Micro/Revision version from 00 to 99 // AA: ABI from 0 to 99 // 0 is dev // 1 was ARMv5 (deprecated) // 2 was ARMv6-nofpu (deprecated) // 3 was ARMv6-fpu (deprecated) // 4 is ARMv7-A // 5 is x86 // 6 is MIPS // 7 is ARMv8 // 8 is x86_64 // 9 is MIPS64

//    versionCode scheme is T M NN RR AA//    T: Target/Flavour (1 for Android, 2 for Chrome?)//    M: Major version from 0 to 9//    NN: Minor version from 00 to 99//    RR: Micro/Revision version from 00 to 99//    AA: ABI from 0 to 99//    0 is dev//    1 was ARMv5        (deprecated)//    2 was ARMv6-nofpu  (deprecated)//    3 was ARMv6-fpu    (deprecated)//    4 is ARMv7-A//    5 is x86//    6 is MIPS//    7 is ARMv8//    8 is x86_64//    9 is MIPS64